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I was recently asked if I could put some affirmations on the website to help empower and open us up to higher guidance. I am grateful for this suggestion and thought I would share a Life Script.

This is a description of what you’d be experiencing if you were living the life you want and is extremely powerful. Each day, you can read it aloud or record and listen to it, experiencing the emotions as you recite it. It is important to feel it as if you're already there, loving it, expressing gratitude. This in itself will help you release resistance, increase your vibration and make you feel so good. You’ll enjoy every moment of the journey, letting go of whether your desires manifest or not.

‘I …………..(your name), feel the elation and gratitude of easily and smoothly achieving and enjoying all of my goals. All of my success comes to me easily.

I am happy with who I am. I love myself. I appreciate myself and I treat myself in a loving way. I am love. I express love. I receive love. I am inspired. I am deserving and worthy.

I am achieving and have achieved all my goals and more and it is all for the greater good. Thank you Divine/God/Universe/Spirit/Soul.

I am enjoying a wonderful, beautiful, love-filled, harmonious, peaceful, abundant, joyful and magical life. For me, everyday starts with a warm happy feeling of gratitude. I wake up knowing that I am very healthy and in outstanding physical condition. I am completely healed, whole and healthy.

I  am loved. I am loving. I am surrounded by loving, caring, giving and wonderful people and am thrilled to be rich in so many ways. I am prosperous. I deserve the best and accept the best now. I am a magnet for divine prosperity.

I am at peace and connected to Source. I am enlightened. I have infinite wisdom and I make perfect choices. I experience the joy of every moment. I am positively serving the world with my gifts in a way that is beneficial and contributing at a deep level.

I attract peaceful, loving, harmonious people and peaceful, loving, harmonious events into my life. I am guided perfectly by Divine/God/Universe/Spirit/Soul in all ways every moment, which provides the most perfect outcome. Whatever I need is revealed to me, and whatever I need comes to me in divine right order. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.

Thank you Divine/God/Universe/Spirit/Soul for bringing me perfect happiness, joy, health, purpose, meaning and success in my life.’

You can include affirmations about other areas in your life such as relationships, work, finance, specific goals etc.

This process helps you become aware of everything you’re grateful for and all that you have and can create.

‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.’ – Buddha

Have fun,
