I recently used this protocol on a flight to and back from Melborne and no jet lag!

Horary Points
There are twelve major acupuncture meridians in Chinese Medicine. Each of the meridians has a two-hour window in which it is most active. There is a special point, called a horary point, on each meridian that will help your body transition into the physiology that is most appropriate for that time day. The horary chart presented below lists the two-hour windows, the name and abbreviation for the meridian, and the name
of the horary point.Please alternate sides for your own comfort. Remember to use this for your return trip, also.

1. Note your departure time: ________
2. Note your arrival time: ________
3. Find your departure time and correlating acupuncture point ________ on the Horary Chart.
4. Find your arrival time and correlating acupuncture point ________ on the Horary Chart.
5. Locate the correlating acupuncture points.
6. To help your body transition from one time zone into another, rub the departure time horary point and the arrival time horary point, simultaneously, throughout your trip. Rub them for about 30 seconds at a time, several times during the flight. Remember, the point exists on both sides of your body. While it is not necessary to stimulate all four of the involved points at once, it is wise to alternate between the right and left sides.
7. Once you have come into the two-hour window of your scheduled arrival time in your destination city, rub only the point for your arrival time. This helps your body know the current time. Stop rubbing the point when the two-hour window has passed. A good time to rub the arrival point is during the taxi to the gate.

1 – 3 a.m. Liver / LV 1
3 – 5 a.m. Lung / LU 8
5 – 7 a.m. Large Intestine / LI 1
7 – 9 a.m. Stomach / ST 36
9 – 11 a.m. Spleen / SP 3
11 – 1 p.m. Heart / HT 8
1 – 3 p.m. Small Intestine / SI 5
3 – 5 p.m. Bladder / BL 66
5 – 7 p.m. Kidney / KI 10
7 – 9 p.m. Circulation Sex / CX 8
9 – 11 p.m. Triple Heater / TH 6
11 – 1 a.m. Gallbladder / GB 41

Anatomical Description of the Location of the Horary Points
LV 1 – Lateral nail of the big toe (That’s on the little toe side of the Big toe nail.)
LU 8 – On the most lateral aspect of the styloid process of the radius. (Look at your palm. The point is on the thumb side of your wrist.)
LI 1 – Radial nail point of the index finger. (Look at the back of your hand. The point is on the thumb side of your index finger nail.
ST 36 – Lateral to tibial tubercle, four finger widths down from depression inferior to the lateral patella when the knee is flexed to 45 degrees. (Bend your knee. Find the bony bump on your shin, below your kneecap. ST 36 is located on the outer side of the bump, and a little below it, in a fleshy area.)
SP 3 – On medial foot, just proximal to the metatarsal head. (Cross your foot over your knee. Put your finger on the side of the ball of your foot. Slide your finger toward your heel, into a little depression. That’s the SP 3.)
HT 8 – Palmar surface of the hand on the distal transverse crease between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones. (Look at your palm. HT 8 is on the crease closest to your fingers between your ring and little finger.)
SI 5 – Ulnar edge of wrist at distal ulnar bone. (Look at the back of your hand/wrist. Se the bump on the little finger side of your wrist. SI 5 is on the side of your wrist, next to that bump.)
BL 66 – Lateral foot, distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of fifth toe. (That’s on the outside of your little toe, just before it meets your foot.)
KI 10 – At the medial end of the knee crease when knee is bent. (Bend your knee. See the crease on the back of the knee. KI 10 is at the end of the crease on the inner aspect of your knee.)
CX 8 – Palmar surface of hand between second and third metacarpal bones, on the proximal transverse crease. (Look at your palm. Bend your middle finger so that the tip of it touches your palm. That is very near CX 8, if not right on it, for
most people.)
TH 6 – Posterior forearm between the radius and the ulna, four finger widths proximal to the wrist crease. (Look at the back of your hand/wrist. Bend your wrist back so you can see the crease. TH 6 is in the middle of your forearm, four finger widths from the crease.)
GB 41 – Dorsal foot, where the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones join. (Put your finger on the top of your foot, between the little toe and the one next to it. Slide your finger along the top of your foot, between the bones, until the bones come together. That’s GB 41.)